Today we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The people of Jerusalem shout cries of “Hosanna!” and it is a cry for help- “Hosanna” in Hebrew literally means, “Save us, now!” At first, the crowds celebrate the saving presence of Jesus but in a matter of days, the same shouts of joy will turn into condemnation as Jesus is betrayed and crucified. On this day we remember the human capacity to love as well as create pain, and God's love that is always faithful.
,Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week! (Get more information on Holy Week worship here) Today we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The people of Jerusalem shout cries of “Hosanna!” and it is a cry for help- “Hosanna” in Hebrew literally means, “Save us, now!” At first, the crowds celebrate the saving presence of Jesus but in a matter of days, the same shouts of joy will turn into condemnation as Jesus is betrayed and crucified. On this day we remember the human capacity to love as well as create pain, and God's love that is always faithful.
Join us for this final Community Worship Service of Holden Evening Prayer. This is a collaboration between St. Michael's Lutheran Church, St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Galilee Lutheran Church, and Lutheran Church of the Resurrection. Music reprinted and streamed under # A-703936. All rights reserved.
Welcome to worship on this Fifth Sunday of Lent! Mark your calendars today for Holy Week worship & festivities at St. Michael's - learn more here. Join us for Lent in Community Worship Service with Holden Evening Prayer. Each week we will focus on one of the five faith practices of our baptismal identities: Live among God’s faithful people, hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper, proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, serve all people following the example of Jesus, and strive for justice and peace in all the earth. This is a collaboration between St. Michael's Lutheran Church, St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Galilee Lutheran Church, and Lutheran Church of the Resurrection. Music reprinted and streamed under # A-703936. All rights reserved.
Welcome to worship! As we move through this season of Lent, we pause this Sunday to commemorate a year since the start of the pandemic. Join us for a special moment in today's liturgy to remember and reflect on all that this year has brought. Thank you to all of our staff, musicians, and worship leaders those who help make online worship possible! Welcome to Wednesday Holden Evening Prayer! This worship service is a collaborative work of 5 ELCA churches in the Roseville Area - St. Michael's, St. Timothy, Galilee, Prince of Peace, and Lutheran Church of the Resurrection. At 7pm on Wednesday, we gather over Zoom for connection and conversation with members of those 5 area churches. Information on joining the Zoom fellowship time is available on our Friday E Blasts, in the Wednesday worship email, or by contacting one of our Pastors. Music reprinted and streamed under # A-703936. All rights reserved.
Join us for worship on this Third Sunday in Lent! You are invited back to this space on Wednesday for Holden Evening Prayer, led in collaboration with other Roseville Area churches! A time of fellowship will be held on Wednesday evening over zoom at 7pm. Zoom information was included in the Friday email and will be sent out over email on Wednesday. Welcome to midweek Lenten worship. Roseville Area ELCA churches are collaborating on these special weekly worship services. New services of Holden Evening Prayer will be shared each Wednesday. Thank you to those who helped lead this evening liturgy! Join others from the local Roseville ELCA churches (St. Michael's, Prince of Peace, St. Timothy, Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, and Galilee) for a time of conversation and connection over Zoom each Wednesday in Lent at 7 p.m. (The remaining Fellowship opportunities are March 3, March 10, March 17 and March 24.) The Zoom meeting information will be shared in the Friday E Blasts as well as emailed out each Wednesday. Contact the pastors if you need help accessing the Zoom Fellowship. |
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