Middle School (6th - 8th Grade) Fellowship
Welcome to St. Michael’s Middle School Ministry! (6th-8th Grade)
St. Michael’s offers a variety of opportunities for youth to have fun and grow in faith. Sunday School is offered during the Education Hour from 9:10 - 9:50 am on Sundays from mid-September to mid-May. Events such as overnight retreats, service projects, and bonfires are held in a safe environment for youth to gather together, meet new people, and engage with adult leaders. These events are great opportunities to invite friends! Financial scholarships for events are available. For more information about weekly musical opportunities, contact Cory |
7th-9th Grade Confirmation
St. Michael’s confirmation ministry is a journey of self-discovery, deepening faith, and building authentic relationships with other youth and trusted adults in the congregation. Confirmation at St. Michael's is designed to help young people understand that they live each day in the embrace of God's grace and love for them.
Confirmation is currently held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm-8pm. Learn more about our confirmation ministry here. |
All students need to register for 2024-2025 for Sunday School, Youth Group, & Confirmation.
Youth Mural Project
Middle school students collaborated with our High School students to create a mural for our youth room. Check it out here.