Welcome to worship on this fifth Sunday of Easter!
This week we celebrate Earth Day with a special worship service from Lutherans Restoring Creation with preacher Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. Welcome to worship on this third Sunday of Easter! Welcome to worship! This week we give thanks for the work of Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) - Twin Cities. We welcome guest preacher and University of Minnesota student, Claire Busse, into our virtual pulpit and are delighted to have special music provided by LCM. St. Michael's supports the ministry of LCM! If you'd like to make a special donation to Lutheran Campus Ministry - Twin Cities, or are a student and want to get connected to Lutheran Campus Ministry, head to https://umnlutheran.org/ In Good Friday we witness the truth about God, and about humanity. In Jesus' final hours, we are confronted the brokenness of the world and the deep abiding love of God. This day we immerse ourselves into the narrative of Jesus' betrayal, denial, abandonment, violence, suffering, and death, we remember that our God is a crucified - and risen - God. A God who knows pain and death, who is especially close to those who suffer, and works to transform that pain into new life. |
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