Passports are ready and preparations are being finalized for our first partner delegation trip back to Guatemala in over 4 years. We are anxious to greet friends and see how much the children have grown. We are excited to bear witness to the vitality of the Santa Cruz congregation and celebrate with them by dedicating their new church building.
We have had many discussions about what gifts we could bring them to celebrate their new sanctuary and show our support of their congregation, however, we discovered that we just had to listen to our friends... they have asked us if we could help them raise money for windows and doors needed to complete and secure the new building.
It is an honor that they have shared this request with us; a sign that our partners trust us! As we all know personally, asking for help to complete a task can expose our vulnerabilities and the risk of rejection. This was a good reminder that often, the love and respect we carry with us is more important that the gifts our suitcases can hold.
Just as we are raising funds for our church building in our current capital campaign, our friends in Guatemala are raising funds to finish their building also. Built into the capital campaign are plans for benevolences, including contributions to ILAG and Santa Cruz de la Esparanza. By giving to the capital campaign, you can help the congregation in Cimiento reach their goal for windows and doors in their new church!
We have had many discussions about what gifts we could bring them to celebrate their new sanctuary and show our support of their congregation, however, we discovered that we just had to listen to our friends... they have asked us if we could help them raise money for windows and doors needed to complete and secure the new building.
It is an honor that they have shared this request with us; a sign that our partners trust us! As we all know personally, asking for help to complete a task can expose our vulnerabilities and the risk of rejection. This was a good reminder that often, the love and respect we carry with us is more important that the gifts our suitcases can hold.
Just as we are raising funds for our church building in our current capital campaign, our friends in Guatemala are raising funds to finish their building also. Built into the capital campaign are plans for benevolences, including contributions to ILAG and Santa Cruz de la Esparanza. By giving to the capital campaign, you can help the congregation in Cimiento reach their goal for windows and doors in their new church!