By Ted Hovey
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?"
Micah 6:8 (NRSV)
Poem: “Prayer of Confession”
Forgive my sins, O God of love and mercy.
I know I should uphold your reputation;
Instead, I live by lies — hypocrisy.
I dwell on myself, me, my situation.
I know I should uphold your reputation;
A seat awaits me at your banquet table.
I dwell on myself, me, my situation.
Alone, by my own means, I am not able.
A seat awaits me at your banquet table.
Do justice — treat my neighbor as myself.
Alone, by my own means, I am not able.
My neighbor I ignore — I need your help.
Do justice — treat my neighbor as myself.
I think I'm better, I exclude, assume.
My neighbor I ignore — I need your help.
I judge my neighbor, turn away, presume.
I think I'm better, I exclude, assume.
If I were kind, I'd help my neighbor more.
I judge my neighbor, turn away, presume.
If I were kind, I'd stand beside the poor.
If I were kind, I'd help my neighbor more.
Do justice, love with kindness, humbly walk;
If I were kind, I'd stand beside the poor.
Please overlook my faults, my thoughts, my talk.
Do justice, love with kindness, humbly walk;
Instead, I live by lies — hypocrisy.
Please overlook my faults, my thoughts, my talk.
Forgive my sins, O God of love and mercy.
Prayer: O God, we give thanks for the opportunity to see your call to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you in all times and places. Keep us centered in who you would have us be, as your people. And when we fall short, renew our hearts and give us right spirits that we might try again. Amen
Bio: Ted Hovey has been a “numbers guy” most of his life working. In recent years, however, he has been doing an incredible amount of writing—from novels to poetry. Ted and his wife, Mary, have been members at St. Michael’s for just over twenty years.