Current News
Congregational Meeting—Sunday, August 6th! The Executive Committee of St. Michael’s Evangelical Lutheran Church has called a special congregational meeting for the sole purpose of approving a no-interest (0%) loan in the amount of up to $25,000 for the installation of LED lights and ballasts in the education and office wings of the church building. We will hold this meeting immediately after worship this Sunday. School Supplies Drive Social Ministry will be collecting school supplies August 6 through August 27. Check the Social Ministry bulletin board for details and a list of needed items. Thank you for your help. This will allow many students to be ready when school begins Green Team Property Committee is forming a Green Team to implement the recommendations of our energy audit and to find other ways to conserve energy. If you are interested in this short-term group, contact Neal Chapman for additional information. |
Coming Events
Faith in Daily Life Currently reading: They are Us: Lutherans and Immigration By Stephen Bouman and Ralston Deffenbaugh. August (reading through chapter 8) Roseville (Chianti Grill) - August 2 St. Paul/Roseville (Grateful Table) - August 16 Minneapolis (Thrivent Lunchroom) - August 23 Church Picnic The annual church picnic will be held on Monday, August 28th at 5:45 pm. The final Monday evening worship for this season will begin at 7:00 pm with dessert to follow! Join us for this great opportunity to connect with the community and enjoy the last moments of summer! NEW Frolic Play group Starts September 10th! Parents and caregivers of children age two and younger are invited join us each Sunday in the Nursery and adjoining room for a playgroup! Parents and children attend together! St. Michael’s staff and attendants will have simple stations set up that are age appropriate for our toddlers that encourage an introduction to faith through play! We will use the Frolic curriculum through Augsburg Fortress. This is an infant friendly time. A changing table, bathroom and snack area are all right in the Nursery! You are able to “pop in and play” any Sunday you are able! Join us for the kick-off to the new playgroup on Rally Day, September 10that 10:00 a.m. (meet in the Nursery). Register on Rally Day or by emailing Marta Goldenman at: [email protected] . Katie Versus The Devils: Incredible stories of the wife of Martin Luther at the 2017 MN Fringe Festival. Shows: August 5 at 5:30 pm; August 7 at 7:00 pm; August 9 at 10:00 pm; and August 12 at 5:30 pm. Performances take place at the Rarig Arena Stage on the University of Minnesota campus. Visit for tickets. |