Serving in the Community
St. Michael's Social Ministry Committee is involved with several ministries designed to serve, feed, clothe, build, befriend, educate and advocate. We are able to accomplish this through the generous gifts of money, donations, time and talent from the members and friends of St. Michael's. Here are some of the Ministries we support:
St. Michael's is part of a consortium of churches known as Holy Hammers. Each spring the congregation provides a financial donation and volunteer labor to help build a house in the St. Paul area. BANDAGE ROLLING AND QUILTING
On the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month, a group of members roll bandages and make quilts that are given to the Veteran's Home and Lutheran World Relief. LOAVES AND FISHES
Every other month members of St. Michael's go to Holy Rosary Catholic Church in South Minneapolis to prepare and serve approximately 200 people who rely on the program for a hot, nutritious meal. |
St. Michael's provides volunteers and monetary support to Keystone Community Services, which provides food in our area. We continually provide information about hunger in the Twin Cities, most especially during March Minnesota Food Share.
St. Michael's provides volunteers and monetary support to Keystone Community Services, which provides food in our area. We continually provide information about hunger in the Twin Cities, most especially during March Minnesota Food Share.
As people of faith we are called to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. In seeking to care for our neighbors St. Michael’s, along with other churches in the area, provides financial support to the Roseville Area Angel Fund. The fund assists families and individuals in Roseville who are in crisis. Social Workers at Keystone have access to the Angel Fund and are able to support those who are in need of help. The Angel Fund has helps with items such as rent assistance, transportation costs, medical bills, education needs, etc.
As people of faith we are called to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. In seeking to care for our neighbors St. Michael’s, along with other churches in the area, provides financial support to the Roseville Area Angel Fund. The fund assists families and individuals in Roseville who are in crisis. Social Workers at Keystone have access to the Angel Fund and are able to support those who are in need of help. The Angel Fund has helps with items such as rent assistance, transportation costs, medical bills, education needs, etc.
Every evening, a team of volunteers “rescues” food from the Panera Bread in Roseville that would otherwise be thrown out. The food is delivered to church where it is repackaged and delivered to Keystone Food Shelf and the Union Gospel Mission.
Every evening, a team of volunteers “rescues” food from the Panera Bread in Roseville that would otherwise be thrown out. The food is delivered to church where it is repackaged and delivered to Keystone Food Shelf and the Union Gospel Mission.
The second Sunday of each month we make 400 sandwiches that are distributed by Union Gospel Mission to day-workers who come to their facility for help with food.
The second Sunday of each month we make 400 sandwiches that are distributed by Union Gospel Mission to day-workers who come to their facility for help with food.
St. Michael's is one of several congregations who help support Rezek House, a transitional housing facility in St. Paul for homeless youth. The congregation provides a yearly stipend to help offset operating costs, a yearly "shower" to help equip the apartments, and volunteers to maintain the facility and programs. Each month, St. Michael's provides a family meal for the youth to enjoy!
St. Michael's is one of several congregations who help support Rezek House, a transitional housing facility in St. Paul for homeless youth. The congregation provides a yearly stipend to help offset operating costs, a yearly "shower" to help equip the apartments, and volunteers to maintain the facility and programs. Each month, St. Michael's provides a family meal for the youth to enjoy!
Teams of volunteers help deliver a hot nutritious meal to the home-bound members in the community.
Teams of volunteers help deliver a hot nutritious meal to the home-bound members in the community.
St. Michael’s partners with various community organizations in their compassionate work serving others. St. Michael’s often hosts collection drives for our community partners such as: school supplies for the Roseville School District, diapers for Naomi House Women’s Shelter, book drives for the Free Little Library at our Loaves and Fishes site, and more!
St. Michael’s partners with various community organizations in their compassionate work serving others. St. Michael’s often hosts collection drives for our community partners such as: school supplies for the Roseville School District, diapers for Naomi House Women’s Shelter, book drives for the Free Little Library at our Loaves and Fishes site, and more!